These are my URL ABCs:
- A is for alison.knitsmiths.us/ - Blue is for knitting
- B is for boston.com/ - Boston you're my home
- C is for cnn.com/ - This is CNN
- D is for defectiveyeti.com/ - One funny guy
- E is for educause.edu/educatingthenetgen/ - Kids today...
- F is for fodors.com - Don't remember visiting this, but I went to high school with two Fodor kids
- G is for grumperina.com/knitblog/ - Funniest, grumpiest grad student and knitter in Cambridge
- H is for howstuffworks.com/ - What it says
- I is for imdb.com/ - Surprisingly central to my life
- J is for jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/blogshop/archives/000062.html - Ed Tech stuff
- K is for knitty.com/ - Gettin Knitty wit' it
- L is for latimes.com/ - I think I read something from the sports page here
- M is for marthas.blogs.com/massknitting/ - Want to knit in Mass? Start here.
- N is for news.bbc.co.uk/ - When you need an international perspective
- O is for oreillynet.com/mac/ - For work
- P is for pbskids.org/ - La la la la...PBS Kids!
- Q is for I had no Q
- R is for redsox.bostonherald.com/redSox/view.bg?articleid=78995&format= - Curse reversed
- S is for salon.com/index.html - My daily read
- T is for travelocity.com/ - Cheap tickets to Florida during school vacation week? I think not.
- U is for I had no U
- V is for versiontracker.com/ - Software stuff
- W is for web.mit.edu/ - Where I work
- X is for Nope, no X either
- Y is for yahoo.com/ - Thought maybe it would be Yarn Harlot, but no.
- Z is for zones.com/Mac_Zone/ - Frankly I think my husband went to this one.